Area 51 is arranged amidst a desert totally denied of any living animals. It is the desert named Nevada. It is a bleak and destroys desert. There is a street all hung with a thick layer of residue. This street drives the straight go to the front door of territory 51. The US Air Force office is commonly known territory 51. It is the Edward Air Force Base. It is a profoundly ordered remote separation Air Base. Territory 51 is very much secured by minimal in excess of a steel obstruction, a blast door, and unnerving trespassing signs. According to the focal insight Agency (CIA), the exact names for the office are Homey Airport and Groom Lake. The name zone 51 was used in a CIA record from the Vietnam war. The office is additionally alluded to as Paradise Ranch and Dreamland. It has numerous epithets. USAF advertising has alluded to the office as "a working area in the region of Groom Dry Lake". The extraordinary use airspace near the field has been alluded to as Restricted Area 4808 North (R-4808 N).
Beyond the gate, there are numerous cameras which see every angle. On the top of the remote hill, there is a white pick up truck with a slightly tinged windshield peeping down on everything below. The local people say that each and every tortoise, jackrabbit that leaps the barrier is well known to the base. According to others, there are some sensors which are placed firmly in the approaching road. The current basic intention of the base is not publicly known. It is based on historical evidence. Probably its gives support to the development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons system. The extreme privacy surrounding the base has made it the frequent subject of conspiracy theories and a central element undetected flying object. The base Has never been blazed an entirely concealed base. The entire research work and occurrences that are stilled going on, are top secret. On 25th June in 2013, following a Freedom of information Act (FOIA) request lodged in 2005, the CIA publicly admitted the existence of the base for the first time.
The location of area 51 is lying in the southern part of the desert Nevada in the western United States. It is 83 miles (134 kilometers ) North-Northwest of Las Vegas. The large military airfield is located at its center, on the southern shore of the Groom Lake. In 1955, the United States Air Force possessed the site basically for the flight testing of the Lockheed U-2 aircraft. The area adjacent to Area 51` is a famous tourist destination. There is a small town of Rachel on the " Extraterrestrial Highway".
What actually is going on inside area 51 has thrown the people of the decades in wild speculation. Hypothesis, there are alien conspiracies. The aliens are called galactic visitors. There are tucked away somewhere inside area 51. There is a vivid rumor about Roswell Crash. The rumor claims that the infamous 1947 Roswell. Roswell was really a Soviet aircraft. It was navigated by mutated midgets.The wreckage of aircraft still remains on the grounds of area 51. It is the belief of some people that the Government of the United States made a film the 1969 moon landing in one of the hangars of the base. Based on such a story veiled meaning it is thought that area 51 is real and not only that it is still very active. There may not be the presence of the galactic visitors or a moon landing movie dispelled those barriers. But it is a matter of utter amazement that something is still going, only a few selected bodies know what is coming to past further down that closely monitor wind-swept Nevada Road.
The aerospace historian and the author Merlin says with respect to area 51, " the prohibited aspect of area 51 is what incites the people to know what is in area 51". Peter Merlin has been conducting extensive research work on area 51 for more than 30 years. It is sure there's still a lot that is going on there. There are some mysteries about the origins of area 51. The origination of area 51 is directly concerned with the improvement of the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. When The World War II ended, the Soviet Union erected a fence around themselves. The rest of the eastern nation was created a near intelligence blackout to the rest of the world. when the Soviet helped North Korea to invade South Korea in June 1950, it became very vivid that the Kremlin would extend its influence in a hostile manner. This expansion of influence caused by the Kremlin threw America into great confusion. Americaecame intensely perturbed to see the technological progressed USSR. Even the intentions and capability to launch a surprise attack of the USSR caused much disturbance to America. It was early 1950 us navy and air force sent low-flying aircraft to reconnoiter over the USSR. They had an apprehension of being shot down by the soldiers of USSR. In November 1954 the president Eisenhower Granted approval to privy advancement of a high altitude reconnaissance aircraft named the U-2 program. A remote, secret location was chosen for training and testing. It was known as one of the first orders of business. They found the location Southern Nevada desert in the vicinity of a salt flat called Groom Lake. During World War II it was the aerial gun firing range for the army air corps Pilots. Area 51 became a new top-secret military base of the US army. Area 51 was the only spot where top-secret military aircraft were continued to be tested. Over the years, the A-12 and countless secret aircrafts namely Bird Of Pray, F-117A, and TACIT BLUE have been developed and tested in the Nevada desert.
The flight operations are still continuing. In September 2017 an Air Force Lt. Col. lost his life because of some mysterious situations. It was said that when his plane crashed in Nevada and Pentagon is seems he was most likely flying a foreign jet which belongs to the United States.
Bob Lazar said in an interview on Las Vegas local news in 1989 that he had seen aliens.
He also said he gave help to reverse engineer space crafts during working at the base but many have paid no heed to his words. They do not have any belief in his statement that is stranger than fiction. Today many developmental works, new construction, and expansions are being constantly done in area 51.